
Monday, September 5, 2011

Being "regular and orderly"

Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work.”
Gustave Flaubert
from Mark McGuinness
Ever since I read this on Mark Guiness's blog yesterday I have been turning it over in my mind.This week I will strive to begin create this in my life.  Contrary to popular thinking creativity really doesn't thrive in chaos.
Fly Lady defines CHAOS as "can't have anyone over." This is house chaos (which I have in abundance) and there is another related form of chaos: being irregular and disorderly in one's whole life. I have just finished reading Organizing for the Creative Person by Dorothy Lehmkuhl and Dolores Cotter Lamping. There are lots of fresh ideas in here to inspire! (I have already read most every other book on organizing that was ever published.)
My first attempt at being regular seems to be working. About a month ago I set aside the hours of 1PM-3PM to paint my daily paintings. This is typically a quiet time in the busy real estate day. Not many want to look at property or sign contracts at this time. So far it is working well, has even become a pull to go paint!
Now I need to add a few more like exercise.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Cleaning house

My house has reached the point where I have to stop and clean or else be taken over by evil forces. For a single broad there is no one else to do anything except me! The state of the house is now is CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome.) This idea was created by Maria Cilley AKA Flylady. She has a great book Sink Reflections and website dedicated to staying organized and clean.
Of course it is much easier to read about cleaning than to actually do it so I'm still studying up on the problem reading Zen and the Art of Housekeeping by Lauren Cassel Brownell and Clean by Michael Dejong. The latter is mostly about using simple household solutions like vinegar, borax, and lemon juice for "green" and healthy cleaning. I'm going to experiment with these as soon as I have finished reading....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Help for Resistance

I love Steven Pressfield! In starting thiis blog, I looked to find his blog for inspiration and found his newest book Do the Work which I consider a sequel to my first favorite The War of Art. And Lo: it is a free download for a limited time .
So rush to Amazon and claim your copy before it's too late. I downloaded the Kindle app to read it and this is great too. Could be addictive I fear. This book has explicit instructions on how to combat Resistance. I'm sure you recognise the importance of combatting Resistance. I have already read through this short to the point book and am now going to go back again (resistance) and figure out which of my many areas of resistance needs to be tackled first!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Usual Saturday Dilemma !

Well here it is Saturday morning again and as usual I was trying to decide what to do. I'm supposed to: go to the Farmer's Market to support local farmers and to eat fresh healthy food; take my dog on an extra long hike which he truly deserves;  meet the Carolinas Nature Photographers at  the Botannical Garden;  trim my bushes; and I really need to clean my house too. So just like AA Milne'sshipwriecked sailor who laid on the beach waiting to be resuced (I'll look that up later) I am stuck here at my desk and the morning is about over!